S l a w e k: Cloak & Dagger
Michael Kalognomos: Easter celebrations
tasospap21: DSC_0546
tasospap21: DSC_0651
tsivas: On the beach
tsivas: Temple of Athena Nike, located in Acropolis of Athens
tsivas: Morning Sky #Flickr12Days
tsivas: "Access Control" by INO (www.ino.net)
tsivas: Abandoned
tsivas: Reflections
Aristide Mazzarella: SANTA MARIA AL BAGNO NARDO'
peterspencer49: Somerset Levels Sunrise
.chourmo.: La sottile linea rossa
Albumdeiricordi: E Dio creò la Donna...
Psyvalh: Manarola - Cinque terre - Italy
Damien Walmsley: 131002_365_London Canals
Aster-oid: PAVLOS FYSSAS 1979-2013 RIP