veyoung52: WomanInWhite
Blake_B: Abandoned Trenton homes
Blake_B: Geodesic home - Roosevelt NJ
Blake_B: House in Roosevelt NJ
Blake_B: Metropolitan Hotel - Asbury Park
Blake_B: McMansion Fail?
Blake_B: Victor Building Tower - Camden NJ
Blake_B: Camden Thunderstorm
Blake_B: City Hall - Camden NJ
Blake_B: Benjamin Franklin Bridge
Blake_B: Campbell Soup demolition
Blake_B: Camden church and parsonage - Benson St.
Blake_B: Victor Building Camden
Barry Yanowitz: sketching the skyline
stevensiegel260: Tank Farm 7
stevensiegel260: Port Newark 10
stevensiegel260: Port Newark 22
stevensiegel260: Port Newark 23
GAPHIKER: The Sunflower Field - The View From the Road
YoChicago: Hegewisch's poster kids
YoChicago: Polish Deli, 13251 S Baltimore Ave
YoChicago: Ford Motor plant, East 130th St
KeneL9999: Goodbye Irene (Coney Island)
Barry Yanowitz: long way from here to there
Barry Yanowitz: coney island lights
Barry Yanowitz: fellow reflection hunters!