Michael Tinkler: Santa Maria Maggiore - no chairs!
Sokleine: Mural mosaics in Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna
z.patrizia: Ravenna ( Italy )
Sokleine: Mosaics in Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna - Christian scene
Sokleine: Ravenna mosaics in Basilica of San Vitale
our cultural archive: San Vitale: Ravenna
Sokleine: Ravenna mosaics in Basilica of San Vitale - Justinian panel
gwilmore: Arian Baptistry, Ravenna
sjmcdonough: Ceiling Mosaic, Arian Baptistry, Ravenna
davideoneclick: Una cartolina da Ravenna
alfvet: Treasures of Ravenna
alfvet: Ravenna - San Apollinare in Classe
docjfw: Metropolitan Museum Greek & Roman Art
Foto Fool: Greek and Roman Galleries, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Foto Fool: The Badminton Sarcophagus, Greek and Roman Galleries, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
greekstifado - Yanni: Roman Wall Painting Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York
greekstifado - Yanni: Roman Wall Painting Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York
greekstifado - Yanni: Roman Wall Painting Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York
JoWiJo: Closed building
joel2009: christ-as-good-shepherd-sarcophagus-lateran-museum-late-4thC
TrevorLowe: Early Christian
nordicshutter: Early Christian Church in eastern Turkey
nordicshutter: Early Christian church in eastern Turkey
archiromane1: 14 Poitiers hypogée des dunes couvercle de sarcophage
reva_e: Early Christian Sarcophagus
imarcc: Much of Tulsa History in one shot
Nick in exsilio: St. Cuthbert
Photographs By Wade: Bricks and Window
Photographs By Wade: The Old Foreman Dairy Bar
Photographs By Wade: Totem Pole Park