foreverdigital: #tbt to that time I went off the grid for a week and took a break from the internets. No phones, no clocks, just reading, cooking, and chilling in nature. Also on the to do list for 2017 🌳🌳 Who wants to join?
foreverdigital: I don't know that I've ever posted a photo from my (very short) time in Sicily. I'm pretty sure it was under 24 hours. As my second ever solo stop in 2009, I was totally overwhelmed and downright nervous so I booked it out of there on the first train I co
foreverdigital: Got a message from a friend yesterday asking if I'd be interested in going to Japan in May 2018. I can't even plan next month and you want me to figure out 2018?! I said I was in, of course. Because Japan. 😍
foreverdigital: Going thru all of these photos from 2012 has me reallllly wanting to go cross-country again in 2017. Might be fun to try to hit all of the states (and fly to Hawaii πŸ˜‚) Who wants to join?
foreverdigital: With all of the craziness going on in the news, trying to take some time to appreciate my own country as a way of not booking the first flight out of here. That, and taking a lot of deep breaths. This shot was taken somewhere on I-15 between Las Vegas and
foreverdigital: Working my way backward through this year's travels. Nothing like a little reminiscing! The old city wall in Porto was one of my favorite stops because there were barely any other people around and it felt like a hidden gem. It's one of the things in my n
foreverdigital: Finally digging thru all of my travel notes from the last 6 months. New post and Wanderling guide to Stockholm up on πŸ‘
foreverdigital: Settling back into life at the shore for the next month or so. Working on, taking kickboxing classes, basically trying to lay the groundwork for 2017. It's quiet but it gives me plenty of time to figure out plans for next year! Come down and
foreverdigital: Starting to piece together plans for next year. I know I'd like to spend some time in South America and maybe Australia/New Zealand, but I'd also like to revisit some places in Europe. Not to mention finally diving into Eastern Europe. And of course Cuba!
foreverdigital: Fight or flight? I said if this was the outcome I was out of here. I'd even picked out my expat destination. But what would that solve? It's been a reflective few days and I don't think I've really worked through it yet. I feel disempowered and that's my
foreverdigital: #tbt to my first trip of 2016. This is the only shot I got of the cliffs of moher because my camera died in a rainstorm the day before and the rain/fog didn't want to let up for the quick trip I had planned to the cliffs. Ah well! Just an excuse to go bac
foreverdigital: Evening wanderings in Stockholm. I was surprised how much I liked Stockholm. It's such a neat city with cool architecture and lots of walking. πŸ‘πŸ‘
foreverdigital: I thought I was going to miss autumn this year, but turns out I got to Stockholm at jusssssttttt the right time! Now if only autumn would make its way to NJ. πŸ™πŸ‚πŸπŸƒπŸ™
foreverdigital: Last flight for a while. Epic year of travels. May sneak in one more trip before the year is out, but still TBD. For now, looking forward to some ground time to see friends and family and to go though all of my photos. πŸ™
foreverdigital: The beach looked totally different from our first time there a few weeks ago. Waves, typhoon-packed sand, and a distinctly autumn chill. No swimming for me today! I'll miss this blue water though. 🌊
foreverdigital: πŸ‚Autumn weather has reached Jeju πŸ‚Missing those warm summer nights in Porto, but excited for the leaves to start changing!
foreverdigital: #tbt to just over 2 years ago in Penang, Malaysia. I've been going thru travel photos from the last 7 years for my #30Before30 post. It's been so much fun to reminisce on all the adventures and realize just how much I've done in the time since I graduated
foreverdigital: Went to a Korean sauna today. It was definitely an experience πŸ˜‚ just so glad the rain finally let up and we got some blue skies!! πŸ™Œ
foreverdigital: Pickle all the things! One of my favorite parts of Asia is the markets. Stumbled into this one while roaming around yesterday. We're staying more toward the city center so there's convenience stores in every corner, but the market made everything feel rig
foreverdigital: That's it! Country #30! My #30Before30 is complete! It's been a busy week since landing in South Korea. I launched my photo print shop (link in bio) and also a job board for product managers. The time zones have made wrapping up some client work interesti
foreverdigital: Ohai Shanghai! Despite some minor panics about venturing into Shanghai during my 8-hr layover, I'm so glad I did. And I got real deal XLB @ jia jia which was recommended to me by a bunch of you lovelies. I was the only non-Asian person in the place, so yo
foreverdigital: Greetings from Singapore! Stopped by Telok Ayer for dinner after a day of exploring. So many options I was totally overwhelmed. And hungry. The weather has been kind of schizophrenic, but mostly hot and humid and sweaty. (I didn't realize Instagram had a
foreverdigital: I don't know how I never posted this shot. It's one of my favorites from an epic sunset on the beach in Matosinhos, Portugal with the #hackerparadise crew. Found it while I was sifting thru photos that I might have printed. So much fun looking back at all
foreverdigital: From the other night. One of my favorite shots recently. Sunset: πŸ’―
foreverdigital: Hey look it's not a sunset! 🌊 This is the start of the wave that caught me by surprise from the side (who expects a wave to come in perpendicular to the beach?!) If there's one thing I learned from sports photography, it's even if you have to run aw
foreverdigital: Hey look it's not a sunset! 🌊 This is the start of the wave that caught me by surprise from the side (who expects a wave to come in perpendicular to the beach?!) If there's one thing I learned from sports photography, it's even if you have to run aw
foreverdigital: Got stuck in a storm with my bike and camera gear yesterday. Good thing I had my dry bag, but it didn't really help much since I my camera and I were already soaked trying to get this shot πŸ˜‚. Pedaled home in rain so hard I could barely see. As soon as
foreverdigital: That sunset glow πŸŒ…πŸ˜
foreverdigital: A day in the life of ms. Penelope Pixel. 🐢🍩
foreverdigital: Something a little different. I used to take TONS of flower photos in my college days. I even kept a bottle of allergy pills in my camera bag. I was killing time the other day and stumbled across my macro extension tubes. The sun was nearly down, but I wa