Thierry Barré: IMG_2242-4
Thierry Barré: Rd1 Dg IMG_5956
adamopal: Shady Creek
birdcloud1: open spaces (8)
Natali Antonovich: llustration "Don't blame autumn ..." by Natali Antonovich
Natali Antonovich: Painting by Natali Antonovich "I will tell you..."
Natali Antonovich: Painting by Natali Antonovich "Diamond Lightning"
desomnis: In anticipation of a spooky encounter (in explore)
Dyrk.Wyst: Time and Patience
ojbfiddlestyx: Well Hello There
Bradley Hamel: Shiny and new.
l i v e l t r a: Across the open water
Rafael Heredia: to see or not to see
desomnis: Breathe on a fire
designollebrigitte: Collembole
laurent.guillerme: ez07-Modifier
Jem Salmon: Woodland
concho cowboy: Grazing Horses (Explore 10Feb2021)
Roger-Narbonne: Algérie, 1961 près du village de Bekkaria, le petit chamelier garde le dromadaire
Rafael Heredia: Degollada
Hélène_D: Snow over the Alps
Merrillie: High cloud sunset waterscape with reflections by the bay
Dirk Buse: Ruegen 2019 outdoor autumn 20191027 216