ForbesOste: The Virtual Experience @uploadvr @taylorpfreedman #wearablewed
ForbesOste: Great panel on Wearables in Workplace Mark Brooks, Plantronics, Shivani Govil (SAP), Linday Irvine (Salesforce) @albertotorres (Atheer Labs) WWC15
ForbesOste: Fashion-Forward Technology panel w/Amanda Parkes, Deepa Sood, Sridhar Solur at wearable world congress #wwc15
ForbesOste: Prescription for connected devices at #wwc15
ForbesOste: Adopt or Abandon: Consumer Choice on Wearables
ForbesOste: Your Brain on Wearables #WWC15
ForbesOste: Missing the Market: Women and Wearables
ForbesOste: Humans of New York Brandon Stanton @humansofny at Wisdom 2.0 #wisdom2015 #sketchnotes
ForbesOste: The power of friendship: Be Silly! #wisdom2015
ForbesOste: Inner Wisdom and Outer Action with Leila Janah of Sama, US Congressman Tim Ryan and Soren Gordhamer of Wisdom 2.0 #Wisdom2015
ForbesOste: Achieve More By Doing Less Christine Carter #Wisdom2015 #sketchnotes
ForbesOste: Distraction: Demand New Kind of Design with Tristan Harris at Wisdom 2.0 #sketchnotes #Wisdom2015
ForbesOste: Mandala at #wisdom2015
ForbesOste: #Sketchnotes Mindfulness and Video Game Mechanics with Adam Gazzaley #wisdom2015 #neuroscience
ForbesOste: #sketchnotes: Deep Connections:The Power of Face to Face talk in Digital Age -Sherry Turkle at Wisdom 2.0 #wisdom2015
ForbesOste: #sketchnotes Conscious Business at LinkedIn with Fred Kofman, Kelly Palmer and Jenna Buffaloes at Wisdom 2.0 #wisdom2015
ForbesOste: Sketchnotes Contemplative Neuroscience with Richard Davidson at Wisdom 2.0
ForbesOste: Sketchnotes: Conscious Business at LinkedIn with Jeff Weiner & John Kofman #Wisdom2015
ForbesOste: Sketchnotes: Live Connection in the Digital Age with Julia Hartz, Eventbrite CEO at #Wisdom2015
ForbesOste: Wearable Wednesday: Developing the Modern Work Culture
ForbesOste: Wearable Wednesday: Developing the Modern Work Culture
ForbesOste: Wearable Wednesday: Developing the Modern Work Culture
ForbesOste: Wearable Wednesday: Developing the Modern Work Culture
ForbesOste: @BrianSolis on responsive storytelling at #bisummit #sketchnotes
ForbesOste: Sketchnotes from Brand Innovators event 1/29/2015
ForbesOste: Sketchnotes from Future of Fitness and Self- Health from Wearable Wednesday
ForbesOste: Mo'Joes at #websummit
ForbesOste: Health is the New Wealth #WebSummit #sketchnotes
ForbesOste: Tim O'Reilly on Global Brain #websummit# #sketchnotes
ForbesOste: Robert Scoble & Ben Werther talk IoT #WebSummit #sketchnotes #internetofthings