FateHeart: SpZ-04J Pan Jumbo
MGF Customs: LEGO Halo 4 - Green & Blue
¡CoIor!: WarBOT.203
Ironsniper: Kosako NRGJ Drones: EVA Variants
Geoshift: Halo 4 - Red Team
CaptainInfinity: Rino HA Juggernaut
-Yoshifan151-: SAS dude
.TheBricks: E&T Babysitting Services - 2
Ironsniper: Gaia [ODM]
McLovin1309: Salvador, The Gunzerker - Borderlands 2
Lego Junkie.: Halo 4: Mantis Mech.
Jannac Fenwal: Feed Me
BrickArms: AR:D9 Assault Rifle
✠Andreas: Overgrown
McLovin1309: Fallout - Post Apocalyptic Survivors
CaptainInfinity: Ma.k Racoon
Empty Sandbox: CHARGE!!!
: VolumeX :: Microspace Vessels
Agent_Appleblanket: L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle
Agent_Appleblanket: Portal Gun
McLovin1309: Nightingale - Agent of Nocturnal
Cole Blaq: Jones' Addiction
(vhmh): JACB Assault 04
-Yoshifan151-: M4A1 CQBR
M.R. Yoder: City Ruins: Tank Patrol
Lego Junkie.: Portal 2, P-body.
2007_Boy: M1165 & M997
CaptainInfinity: Ma.k Fireball Dio