Evan-Lovely: Missoula Valley from the Air
Evan-Lovely: Missoula from the Air
Evan-Lovely: Boarding at the Missoula airport
Evan-Lovely: Minneapolis Skyline
Evan-Lovely: Looking through the Clouds
Evan-Lovely: Above the Clouds
Evan-Lovely: IMG_4442.JPG
Evan-Lovely: IMG_4443.JPG
Evan-Lovely: Sea of Clouds
Evan-Lovely: IMG_4448.JPG
Evan-Lovely: High Above the Clouds
Evan-Lovely: Sea of Clouds Catching the Suns Rays
Evan-Lovely: Clouds Catching the Suns Rays
Evan-Lovely: Powerful Sunset
Evan-Lovely: IMG_4455.JPG
Evan-Lovely: Nice Sunset from Plane
Evan-Lovely: Another Sunset shot from the plane
Evan-Lovely: Moon high above the sunsets
Evan-Lovely: Himalays in the distance