Evan-Lovely: It looks Abandoned to me too :)
Evan-Lovely: Karen McGrane's DrupalCon Keynote
Evan-Lovely: Dries giving the DrupalCon 2013 Keynote
Evan-Lovely: DrupalConPDX DriesNote Panorama
Evan-Lovely: Enjoying a beer in the awesome sunshine! #drupalcon #DrupalHunt
Evan-Lovely: My world this week: #DrupalCon
Evan-Lovely: Spring #Sunset with heavy effects
Evan-Lovely: Great Beer Art
Evan-Lovely: Such a pretty color of flower. No filters here.
Evan-Lovely: Salmon Street Springs with Mt Hood
Evan-Lovely: ॐ Om Tree
Evan-Lovely: St John's Bridge
Evan-Lovely: St John's Bridge
Evan-Lovely: St John's Bridge
Evan-Lovely: Etch-a-sketches!!
Evan-Lovely: The Big Line at TEDx Concordia in Portland
Evan-Lovely: My cat passing out under the laptop stand
Evan-Lovely: 3 generations of Apple Power Ports
Evan-Lovely: Rain texture
Evan-Lovely: Bam!! My tie tonight :)
Evan-Lovely: Have you told someone how #awesome they are today?
Evan-Lovely: #YerbaMate #Maté #tea #caffeine #OnMyDesk
Evan-Lovely: Scenes from an Antique Shop