frodnesor: Indestructible Object (or Object to be Destroyed) | Man Ray
frodnesor: Bicycle Wheel | Marcel Duchamp
frodnesor: Self-Portrait with a Cigarette | Max Beckmann
frodnesor: Dr. Mayer-Hermann | Otto Dix
frodnesor: Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair | Frida Kahlo
frodnesor: Object | Meret Oppenheim
frodnesor: The Portrait | Rene Magritte
frodnesor: Retrospective Bust of a Woman | Salvador Dali
frodnesor: The Eternal City | Peter Blume
frodnesor: Painting 1946 | Francis Bacon
frodnesor: Mask of Fear | Paul Klee
frodnesor: No Title (The Ugly American) | Hervé Télémaque
frodnesor: Blue Monochrome | Yves Klein
frodnesor: The Migration Series | Jacob Lawrence
frodnesor: Who is Queen? | Adam Pendleton
frodnesor: Equal | Richard Serra
frodnesor: Equal | Richard Serra