Tony Macrellis: once there was a crow...
Davide Zappettini: "Krakow, surprises....."
Özgür Gürgey: Another day, another bridge / just one of those things
Mohsan': STREET
Inge Vautrin Photography: A Battered Boat
- Etude -: Writing on the Wall
Klaus Steinert: bei Hauptmannsgreut / Allgäu
Richard_Gale_Optics: Joe_Lawry_OPTIKOV_Lens_Set_May_25th_2016
anandamoy: Around A Temple - Just A Street Shot, Lucknow
Neil Hulme.: DUDDON TREE.jpg
Ody on the mount: Choose your Destination...
Sebastian Jacobitz: At the top - Berlin
bschaefers: DdorfStation
Ermanno Albano: Upside down
Plan R: Nord Alley, Seattle, Washington, USA
tmbx: Different approaches
Stu Bo: whom....EXPLORE 5-26-16 thank you for your views and favs
albi_tai: Street food
Bjorn Baklien: Wanaka Lake NZ Sunrise
michael mocatta: The Tram & The Man
Zlatko Vickovic: golden hour
jpboiste: DSC_0458+_ la plage de Ouistreham
gerainte1: Inglebrough
Marco Bontenbal ( Let's do some administration
bschaefers: DdorfManInCoffeeShop
bztraining: Oldie But Cutie