bilwander: West Africa, Togo, Koutammakou, Batammariba tribe young boy at a hamlet of mud+straw-made huts
manastasiadis67: Diamonds are forever..
free3yourmind: Winter Landscape
Stefanos Chronis: 47. Joal Fadiouth village, Senegal
Stefanos Chronis: 351. Outdoor ceremony by immigrants from Eritrea, Africa. Religion Copts Christian- Η γιορτή της Υπαπαντής στην Αθήνα από τους κόπτες μετανάστες από την Ερυθραία.
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Resting the ultrafast wings...
davoson: A Rainbow for you
davoson: Starlink Launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base
Yiannis Yiasaris: gravitation
bilwander: France, Cannes, an unconventional street affair
koen_jacobs: Winter
KOSTAS PILOT: Showing up
KOSTAS PILOT: Area 52 celsius
KOSTAS PILOT: The goalkeeper
pierangeli26: Behind the glass /16
evamathemat: thessaloniki
Frank Fullard: Happy or not?
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: A sense of ice cream...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Keep Walking, life is a journey...
alex mertzanis: xenophanes
alex mertzanis: winter tails
alex mertzanis: heaven and hell
Stefanos Chronis: 549. Eritrean Coptic Christians immigrants in Greece
Stefanos Chronis: 547. Summer sun