moggierocket: les fleurs sauvages
Towa-to: la solitudine della fragola
Francesca Saviano: In una notte...
rakhshazar: blue,blue sky
seleniamorgillo: Roberto Saviano
TORI STEFFEN: snowkehs
Peter Kurdulija: Daydream
Valerio.I: Almost summer
TORI STEFFEN: the sundance
SkyShaper: OCTOBER ... but you go on
fotogénesi: red poppies in my pocket
TORI STEFFEN: field of gold.
astigmatic (Francesco Soliani): Two glasses along the canal
Little Pebble For the animal rights!: "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
caporilli: Lorenzo Jovanotti
caporilli: Lorenzo Jovanotti
aenimation: little wings
Adam FLiK: lilly (things to do without a camera)
.p a n e.: sono mille papaveri rossi
Fausto Basile: Blue moon
Andrea Madaro: Macro a cavorsi
diesmali: Feeling blue at the river
ilPARTOdelleNUVOLE: Le rose del mio giardino
"Olivier Jules": Autumn's Witch
Fausto Basile: Ravello
Peter Kurdulija: With A Memorable Interplay of Colors and Shadows, Forces of Darkness and Light Exchanged Their Powers