flybutter: Bike brunch at Alma. Cucumber margaritas on their way!
flybutter: @chadallen post lunch
flybutter: Dapper Chad prepares beach blanket for landing
flybutter: Steph and Chad
flybutter: Steph and Chad
flybutter: redundant
flybutter: terrace bounty
flybutter: view from the star tower
flybutter: Chad with super Michigan powers
flybutter: because Chad is awesome
flybutter: at tanglewood in the berkshires summer I will miss you
flybutter: steph+pocky (giant!)
flybutter: colby puppy
flybutter: claudia
flybutter: francis
flybutter: chad as rockstar
flybutter: deflectorhead
flybutter: pookie v bathtub monster
flybutter: Chad totally fixes stuff
flybutter: the doctor is IN
flybutter: my rooftop is fancier than your rooftop!
flybutter: rooftop 2
flybutter: roof 1
flybutter: what you see when you poop in my bathroom
flybutter: sittin pretty
flybutter: I am officially allergic to everything
flybutter: The kittehs do not appreciate a change of venue
flybutter: Exploding MacBook pro battery
flybutter: Mmmm orange
flybutter: feeling fieldy 001.jpg