jools_b: Cascade de la Bonneille
a galaxy far, far away...: Colors, Forms and Light
chrisfriel: minsk #1653
小川 Ogawasan: Sacred fire II
小川 Ogawasan: Silent Drift
Rob.Hudson: Songlines
Tom Kondrat: screen
Rob.Hudson: The sky flickered uncertainly, as when summer lightenings dance.
Steph Blin: la piscine
squaremeals: 6-28-11. Tea and Scrabble on the QM2 (crossing the Atlantic). 2 second pinhole exposure.
squaremeals: 6-14-11. Birthday cake, Cambridge, England. 30 second pinhole exposure.
SteffenTuck: grasping edges
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Aftermath of Colorado’s Most Destructive Wildfire
SteffenTuck: where the light people run
Sabine Portela: mixed media on canvas - 100 x 100 cm
SteffenTuck: worrying
SteffenTuck: led in the wrong direction
SteffenTuck: Band Aid
SteffenTuck: the natter club
Andrew Vergara: Postcard 6