Matteo Benoldi: Alone in the Underground
Marco Sero: Netherlands
Marco Sero: Portugal - Shadow at Lagoon
Marco Sero: Portugal - Running towards the Sun
Marco Sero: Portugal - Panoramic promontory views
Marco Sero: Portugal - Silhouette from cliff-top
Marco Sero: Portugal - Sylver Coast view from cliff-top
Marco Sero: Rays of sunshine
.Misunderstood.: The man who said " I'd rather be lucky than good " saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top
massimo ankor: Mayday | Sweet Disposition
Lynne's Lens: Shamrock
ol3loceano: Vuoto
ol3loceano: Sii quello che sembri (More inside)
ol3loceano: KEBRILLAH
ol3loceano: KEBRILLAH
ol3loceano: Fatta l'italia bisogna fare gli italiani! 150 anni non sono bastati ...
ol3loceano: Olivetti & C. Ivrea
ol3loceano: La storia siamo noi...
Marc Benslahdine: Morning reflections in Paris
ol3loceano: Ti regalo un sorriso ... (More inside)
Martina Caruso: Tying Tiffany
Martina Caruso: Marta sui tubi