Marta Mourão: Flower Power
Helena Pinto - myGraftySide: :: workshop de Feltro Artesanal
dublinroots: he lives at the duckett house
dublinroots: granmama
Poorlulu's Stabby Critters: celeste the house elf
majalica: jesen
majalica: mermaid
orit dotan: גמד בפיסול בצמר צבעוני needle felt gnome
orit dotan: עבודות תלמידים-waldorf needle felt standing doll-student work
orit dotan: הקוסם-בובה עומדת מצמר, מלאכת יד -ליבוד מחט -the magic man of the forest
orit dotan: needle felt bunnies-ארנבונים מלובדים
orit dotan: בובה מלובדת needlefelted doll
orit dotan: בובות מלובדות felted dolls
Kooka_: FIA
hexley: Stairs to Nowhere
hexley: Farol
LuPan59: Farol da Guia 1
Mundo Flo: Somewhere in Spain
Tania & Artur: Praia do Guincho
Boomerang Crafts: Mão Maria
Boomerang Crafts: Tela Mágica
LuPan59: Zangão 4
LuPan59: Zangão 6
Jennifer Gil: Reciclagem: Estante de caixote de madeira 2
Jennifer Gil: Reciclagem: Estante de caixote de madeira 1
Tania & Artur: #177 capa azul gato