MelindaChan ^..^: Snowy Terrace morning 雲和梯田
MelindaChan ^..^: Village ceremony 小竹溪村排祭
Noelegroj (Very busy 16 Millions+views): Una rama en la playa - Llico Bajo (Patagonia - Chile)
Noelegroj (Very busy 16 Millions+views): Cae la tarde sobre Cerro La Junta y el Paredones - Valle Cochamo (Patagonia - Chile)
Noelegroj (Very busy 16 Millions+views): Notre Dame Basilica II - Vieux Montreal (Canada)
Sebastián Betancourt: De San Rosendo a las estrellas
Sebastián Betancourt: Movimiento
reereeMon: _DSC7893
Guarenzazo: Probando ISO
Lucía Padilla: DSC01508
Sindy Villalobos: Breath just breath
&Nxo: Viaducto del Malleco, Collipulli.
VisualizedPerception: Mulberry Sunset
VisualizedPerception: Haw Creek Falls
Aaron M. Coyle: Forget to Shave?
_Paula AnDDrade: Deepness
Dante Alamiry: WP_20131011_18_29_56_Pro__highres
The.Dark.Passenger.: Thousands Little Falls II
nateliason: hold me bro
christopherbarran: Are you looking at me?
christopherbarran: The Milky Way as seen from Trinidad in the Tropics
christopherbarran: Who Who me?