Flores-na-Janela: Silk and Embroidery.
Flores-na-Janela: Ground Cover - So sweet...
Flores-na-Janela: Troca mais-do-que-fofa recebida da Ana Tuyama.
Flores-na-Janela: Dogwood Tree Flowers...
Flores-na-Janela: Just because it is Thursday...
Flores-na-Janela: Mrs. Robin is having three babies...
Flores-na-Janela: My First Tulip !
Flores-na-Janela: Cupcake Tags
Flores-na-Janela: Spring has sprung !!!
Flores-na-Janela: Da querida Beth Vianna - Cute Swap...
Flores-na-Janela: Feliz Pascoa...late I know !
Flores-na-Janela: Paz Peace Pace Pax ...
Flores-na-Janela: Winter Favors for my Students...
Flores-na-Janela: First Snow ... Night Shot !
Flores-na-Janela: Faixa de Cabelo - Headband...Minha mocinha sabe tricotar !!!
Flores-na-Janela: Wool Cardigan and Silk Applique...
Flores-na-Janela: Relax - Minutos Preciosos
Flores-na-Janela: Planeta cor de rosa...e azul ! My blue and pink planet.
Flores-na-Janela: One less plastic bag...
Flores-na-Janela: My way to the city...
Flores-na-Janela: My Dhalia after the rain...
Flores-na-Janela: Happy Birthday Fabi !
Flores-na-Janela: Headband and T-Shirt...Happy Birthday Celia !
Flores-na-Janela: Buttons...! Preparing for the class...
Flores-na-Janela: Peace...and love ! Have a lovely week !
Flores-na-Janela: And the dragonfly was posing...
Flores-na-Janela: Girls Hairclips...1st. Class
Flores-na-Janela: Dragonflies ! Recycled hangers and stockings...
Flores-na-Janela: Dragonflies...made from used hangers and stockings...
Flores-na-Janela: Once again in the world of Weddings...