Gather-ess: #magicpotionmaker
Gather-ess: #desertskymagic
Gather-ess: The messenger wore yellow...
Gather-ess: What better scent to conjure on the Full Blood Moon complete with an eclipse... Dragon's Blood is headed to the Gatheress shop later today.
Gather-ess: The Queen dangling from the coiling Passion-vine as a blue dragonfly darts past... A tiny white praying mantis emerges from behind a leaf waiting to witness a transformation. Life in the Desert on the cusp of Summer.
Gather-ess: 43rd flare
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Gather-ess: Jojoba blossoming...
Gather-ess: 3 of wands #talismancircle
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Gather-ess: Sending up prayers for @umberdove
Gather-ess: Grape leaf red... My new favorite color!
Gather-ess: Owl...
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Gather-ess: magical light #nofilter
Gather-ess: Waiting to visit the vet... Note the nervous ears.
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Gather-ess: Candle pouring mayhem!
Gather-ess: Something smells ah'mazing!
Gather-ess: There is an owl in the ah'pothecary!
Gather-ess: The view from here #nofilter
Gather-ess: Hooray! Elderberry baby for the garden - @desertbotanical Fall Plant Sale.
Gather-ess: Revisiting old sketchbooks with new eyes...
Gather-ess: Ask nice and @gatheress might just deliver fragrant goodies w/ the wonderful Chris Zydel & Connie of @dirtyfootprints
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Gather-ess: This is love... spoon feeding a sick pup.
Gather-ess: Morning visit from a pair of hawks having a rest in the tree behind the house.
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Gather-ess: a little improv piecing...