donlope1: Au cœur du brasier
silver/halide: Origin of Species
silver/halide: Sky Blue
Nancy Rose: Sandpipers in flight
Nancy Rose: Waiting for spring
JLucclic: Tarin des aulnes
GinOu Tchob.: Petit délire flou directionnel
tsimgar: Squirrel
·dron·: zero gravity
Kasia Bukowska: Marbled White
Kasia Bukowska: Great Crested Grebe
ⒶZ-Photo: Kopflastig
G Dan Mitchell: Autumn Color, East of the Sierra
Pedro Sánchez ( limicolero ): Justo a tiempo / Just in time
Charles Hamilton Photography: New Yorkers in Glasgow
paulapics2: Leaves and Shadows
françois pixxicato: au vent d'automne...🍂
JLucclic: Au petit matin
ragnaolof: Dyrhólaey Puffins
JLucclic: Renard en chasse au mulot
Frans van Hoogstraten: Mirador del Rio III
Frans van Hoogstraten: Loch na Thull
Frans van Hoogstraten: Scottish rocks
Frans van Hoogstraten: The Juniper Tree
gorecka: Ana