andre govia.: Ambition
Cloakedup: Spoilt
Julicious Photography: Totalschaden
Rubén Chase: My own safe fortress
andre govia.: secrets
Threin Ottossen: Cellblocks
Forgotten Heritage: Define HUGE
Julicious Photography: Häusliches Stillleben
harrysnowden: Abandoned Kitchen_ Bodie, California
KEN Berlin: "long ago"
Thomsen07: Hyllekrog mod Vest
sorenrosenberg: The Streets
Hyperfinch: The S.S. American Star 02
Hyperfinch: The S.S. American Star 02b
atomhirsch: Km 106,5: Bhf Groß Sperrenwalde
Threin Ottossen: P1060414
shexbeer: [ attic treasures ]
gyrgrls: Light at end of tunnel
Jp Racine: Le Château enfoui - Castle buried
Ifyouleavethestreet: s i n g l e s p e e d
Eus Driessen photography: Abandoned powerplant ECVB
Batram: In Vino Veritas
kapete: wireless station
james_drury: transmission