fleetingglances: The lilies of the field
fleetingglances: This is like heaven to me .....
fleetingglances: Big Bird ... of unknown origin
fleetingglances: Peaches ......
fleetingglances: House overlooking Rhossili Bay
fleetingglances: Jewels in the rain
fleetingglances: Deep thoughts ...
fleetingglances: And the moral of the story is ......
fleetingglances: So young ....
fleetingglances: Out of the shadows
fleetingglances: A peaceful walk - Brecon Canal
fleetingglances: Creepy shapes in the woods .....
fleetingglances: I never cease to be amazed
fleetingglances: Not any old wellie, but a Cath Kidston Wellie ...
fleetingglances: AFTER THE STORM, COMES THE CALM ....
fleetingglances: Strange Bedfellows - columbines and nettles
fleetingglances: Rhossili colours
fleetingglances: You can take my photo but I'm not sharing my food with you.
fleetingglances: Happy new year to all my Flickr friends
fleetingglances: Dancing shadows on Oxwich Bay.
fleetingglances: Frog in a flip flop
fleetingglances: I'll make it better for you ......
fleetingglances: Walking through ancient farmlands. Township at Auchindrain
fleetingglances: Living dangerously near the edge ....
fleetingglances: Welsh poppies growing in the wild
fleetingglances: Strange phenomenon at sunset
fleetingglances: PERFECT TIMING .....
fleetingglances: If only we could take our woolly coats off in this warm weather.