jsteiner2011: A Moment In Time
jsteiner2011: In The Midst Of Steel & Glass Tall Sleek Natural Redwoods Reach The Sunlight.
jsteiner2011: Made in California goodness found at Fisherman's Wharf.
jsteiner2011: Only In California Can You Fly A Kite As High As The Golden Gate Bridge
jsteiner2011: Only in California does one find a Russian sailor on a cell phone.
jsteiner2011: Only in California is where the oldest lighthouse on the West Coast resides.
jsteiner2011: Only in California does the summer fog bring out the smiles.
jsteiner2011: Only in California Blue Angles and the Golden Gate Bridge
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jsteiner2011: Only in California can it be foggy and sunny at the Golden Gate Bridge
jsteiner2011: The cameleon amongst us called the Golden Gate Bridge.
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jsteiner2011: Only In California Can You Get Swensen's Ice Cream On Russian Hill, San Francisco.
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