flashboy: No idea how I'm supposed to pick up this piece of litter
flashboy: Rome's quite nice.
flashboy: My commute this week involves walking past this. Which is alright.
flashboy: ART
flashboy: Look at the utterly ridiculous place I've come to "finish my book".
flashboy: swear to god hotels are in some kind of crazed number-of-pillows-and-cushions arms race
flashboy: Met another very good boy. His name was Oslo.
flashboy: When you are a very good boy, and also will guide the planes home to land in the darkness
flashboy: Trying to recreate Mexico with vegan tacos on a rainy day in Homerton
flashboy: snow aesthetic
flashboy: #lifeadvice #powerful
flashboy: Goodbye beach 👋
flashboy: me as a mayan ruin
flashboy: Let the record show that I went for a walk on the beach while my friends played Bananagrams in the grounds that "I love the playas, and you love the game". A pun I'd been planning for days.
flashboy: we made breakfast tacos #instagramfoodwanker
flashboy: Good morning
flashboy: oh no birds
flashboy: hello scale boy
flashboy: Obligatory
flashboy: Found the end of the rainbow today on our local beach. Was was right there, barely sixty yards distant, gently touching the ground by the river wall. Unfortunately, by the time we had walked over to its location, it had retreated to the copse some way up
flashboy: Oh-whoa-oh-whoa-oh / Mysterious door / I wanna get close to you
flashboy: Is it even Christmas if you don't get these
flashboy: Whisky and Carols from King's. Hope they play some bangers this year.
flashboy: Done my annual check to see that our local pub is still proudly displaying the prize my dad's team won in the inter-pub Trivial Pursuit championship in 1990. They were only the B team as well. "The A team were shit", my father recalls.
flashboy: I mean your problem there is that you're trying to run an executable file via an HTTP request
flashboy: that's how to booklaunch
flashboy: @frittaker, ladies and gentlemen
flashboy: *nods slowly* "Oh-ho, yeah, I getcha..." *taps nose, winks conspiratorially* "...give me some of your most legitimate, perfectly above-board whelks." *looks nervously over shoulder* "Boy I sure am glad these are extremely legal!"
flashboy: me doing a wry sideways look at the news