ong.vanessa: happy vday b&t!
ong.vanessa: madness
ong.vanessa: at n's house
ong.vanessa: our 'korean' star
ong.vanessa: IMG_2117
ong.vanessa: IMG_2116
ong.vanessa: so sweet!
ong.vanessa: han caught in the act
ong.vanessa: the grandparents
ong.vanessa: the sisters
ong.vanessa: at grandma's
ong.vanessa: ah lians unite!
ong.vanessa: fiona hits the 8 ball!
ong.vanessa: fiona aiming
ong.vanessa: nat+vi
ong.vanessa: ann+claire
ong.vanessa: roti prata man
ong.vanessa: birthday bollywood!
ong.vanessa: happy 18th natalie. (:
ong.vanessa: looking back
ong.vanessa: the throw
ong.vanessa: face in the crowd
ong.vanessa: riot of colour
ong.vanessa: in waiting
ong.vanessa: after the balloons fell
ong.vanessa: the end of the beginning.
ong.vanessa: 9 years..and counting