ong.vanessa: tea time tiramisu
ong.vanessa: simple pleasures
ong.vanessa: fast fuss fat-free food
ong.vanessa: caffeinated optimism
ong.vanessa: furry friend!
ong.vanessa: the pure present is an ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future. in truth, all sensation is already memory.
ong.vanessa: I dream. Sometimes I think that's the only right thing to do.
ong.vanessa: this very moment is a seed from which the flowers of tomorrow's happiness grows.
ong.vanessa: chungking express
ong.vanessa: if you just smile
ong.vanessa: a thing of beauty is a joy forever
ong.vanessa: down memory lane
ong.vanessa: smoky eyed
ong.vanessa: bright lights
ong.vanessa: puppy love
ong.vanessa: sniffsniff
ong.vanessa: happy three friends
ong.vanessa: ntunussmu
ong.vanessa: mini-min and me
ong.vanessa: "take by yourself!"
ong.vanessa: mama lim
ong.vanessa: 'take with the houses!'
ong.vanessa: bisous!