jlst2i: Merry Christmas, Friends!
presbi: Hoverfly and gazania - Photo of the week Super-Six Level 4
fortunato_calabro: Daisy bee...
Alberto Cervantes Photography.: VERY CLOSE. NEW YORK CITY.
Alberto Cervantes Photography.: FIRST LIGHT. NEW YORK CITY.
Alberto Cervantes Photography.: AFTER THE RAIN. NEW YORK CITY.
Alberto Cervantes Photography.: LAST FLOWER IN THE GARDEN. NEW YORK CITY.
.:TFTX:. (30/60 limit : NO!!): Fabriques d'oxygène / Oxygen factories
2000stargazer: Autumn leaves
Lacerta Bilineata: Praying Mantis
Francisco José Colomer Pache: Pino en el Collado de Mateu - Nàquera - València
Francisco José Colomer Pache: Canteras del Salt - Nàquera - València
j. mercier: _MG_2568 - Ice cave.
michelarnoux1: Dans un bouquet.
♥Adriënne -For a better and peaceful world♥: strechting and enjoying his nap
David Ruiz Luna: great horizon
David Ruiz Luna: black sand-2
David Ruiz Luna: great ball of fire
David Ruiz Luna: can you feel it?
Rafael Gomez - https://micamara.es: Barranco Guayadeque Gran Canaria senderismo 33
Rafael Gomez - https://micamara.es: Barranco Guayadeque Gran Canaria senderismo 06
Rafael Gomez - https://micamara.es: Dunas del Valle de la Muerte Mesquite flat Sand Dunes EEUU 12
Rafael Gomez - https://micamara.es: crucero por Lago Galve y vista Castillo de la Isla Trakai Lituania 04
Rafael Gomez - https://micamara.es: flor color blanco Gamón común Asphodelus ramosus Barranco Guiniguada Isla de Gran Canaria Islas Canarias 13
Rafael Gomez - https://micamara.es: flor color amarillo Diente de leon Taraxacum Barranco Guiniguada Isla de Gran Canaria Islas Canarias 16
Rafael Gomez - https://micamara.es: montaña Gangpori o Gongpori Tsedang Tíbet 03