fjordaan: Greeted by Dr Chris and Dr Xand
fjordaan: Medical wall
fjordaan: Balloons are up
fjordaan: Pelvis and a couple of crotcheted brains
fjordaan: Kitchen wall
fjordaan: Brain cake
fjordaan: Brain cake
fjordaan: Snacks, and a brain
fjordaan: Your hosts for today
fjordaan: Little sister in the garden
fjordaan: Dr Isabeau (10)
fjordaan: Dr Isabeau (10)
fjordaan: Dr Isabeau (10)
fjordaan: Patient Beatrix (6)
fjordaan: Patient Beatrix (6)
fjordaan: Dr Isabeau & patient Beatrix
fjordaan: Isabeau's outline
fjordaan: Putting the organs in the correct places
fjordaan: Putting the organs in the correct places
fjordaan: Demonstrating lung function
fjordaan: Pulling out Beatrix's intestines
fjordaan: Pulling out Beatrix's intestines
fjordaan: Spare brains
fjordaan: Pulling out Beatrix's intestines
fjordaan: Entrance of the brain cake
fjordaan: Break to play board games
fjordaan: Entrance of the brain cake
fjordaan: 10 candles on her brain
fjordaan: Tuck into that cerebellum
fjordaan: Post-party blues