fjordaan: The borders around the sports area look most impressive when the lavender (now in its 5th year I think) is blooming. Joined by gradually more things like verbascum, hollyhocks and marigold. #guerillagardening
fjordaan: Pics of the wildflower meadow. Entering its messy phase. Amazed how quickly the ladies’ bedstraw (yellow flowers) have spread in 2 years.
fjordaan: Perfect view of Hammersmith Bridge on nearly the longest day of the year, with a giant full moon opposite. Walking home after seeing Eddie Izzard’s solo Hamlet show at @riversidestudioslondon
fjordaan: Just another garden pic
fjordaan: Allotment with friends yesterday.
fjordaan: Garden in early June, as seen from the kitchen table
fjordaan: Some pics of the wildflower meadow opposite our house, now in its 6th summer I think. The ox-eye daisy has gradually filled the space. Also some pink vetch and yellow ladies bedstraw - the latter from seeds I harvested in Margravine Cemetery. Isolated pop
fjordaan: I had to look up what this flower is - “pale yellow-eyed grass” or satin flower, in the iris family. If I had a proper camera I could’ve done a nice bokeh effect with the wallflowers behind.
fjordaan: Ridiculously photogenic nigella, which grows like a weed all over the #allotment. It’s actually in the way lots of the time, but it feels wrong to remove them, especially while flowering.
fjordaan: Random selection of #guerillagardening around the estate
fjordaan: Dog roses and a family of robins (and a glimpse of a wren)
fjordaan: Cute house in Bloomsbury. Also note the #savemuseumstreet sticker.
fjordaan: I can’t believe I lived in London 25 years and never discovered @thephoenixgarden – Covent Garden’s only community garden. Around the corner from the Forbidden Planet store, behind St Giles. I went for #londonopengardens but it’s open every day. Full of w
fjordaan: Another baby has taken to begging at the back door – even pecking at the glass (No, I don’t feed it.) Not as cute as a baby fox though.
fjordaan: At least 4 examples of #guerillagardening in this picture
fjordaan: Some urban gardening that makes me happy. Someone looks after all the tree bases on this street near Uxbridge Road. And the Council does pretty well with this traffic island next to the monstrosity that is Hammersmith Broadway
fjordaan: At this time of year I always like to visit the garden at the Maggie’s centre next to Charing Cross Hospital. The building was designed by the Richard Rogers Partnership about 15 years ago, and the garden by Dan Pearson. An extremely difficult plot - a na
fjordaan: Midnight stopover at Addis
fjordaan: Midnight stopover at Addis
fjordaan: Cape Town airport
fjordaan: Cape Town airport
fjordaan: Last day
fjordaan: Last day
fjordaan: Gecko in the spotlight
fjordaan: Gecko in the spotlight
fjordaan: Voëlklip sunset
fjordaan: Bananagrams
fjordaan: Voëlklip braai
fjordaan: Butterfly (acraea)
fjordaan: Pinata