Fishtracker: The Rye Stargazer.
Fishtracker: Stargazer
Fishtracker: Stargazer under the pier again
Fishtracker: Moonlighter
Fishtracker: Janolus Cf.Hyalinus.
Fishtracker: A dead Sea Anenome Shell.
Fishtracker: Under Over Image at Rye.
Fishtracker: Peanut Worm.
Fishtracker: Made up Nudibranch
Fishtracker: Hoplodoris
Fishtracker: Diver with Krill and a Fiddler Ray.
Fishtracker: Gunns Leatherjackets often change to the same color as their surroundings this one is no exeption.
Fishtracker: Leatherjacket
Fishtracker: Pygmy Leatherjacket.
Fishtracker: Stingaree.
Fishtracker: Nudibranch
Fishtracker: School of Southern Goatfish just hanging.
Fishtracker: Stingaree in the shallows on a great conditions day at Rye.
Fishtracker: Stingaree.
Fishtracker: Flathead
Fishtracker: Globefish.
Fishtracker: Juvenile Stingaree
Fishtracker: Leatherjacket
Fishtracker: Bull Ray.
Fishtracker: Big Stinray pulling the shots at Rye.
Fishtracker: \Seastars
Fishtracker: Great day at Rye Pier.
Fishtracker: ockey
Fishtracker: Octopus in a Tyre.
Fishtracker: Pale Octopus hiding.