firepile: Mathison Lem, learning the cold truths of the pragmatic world on day 1.
firepile: Mathison Lem, learning the cold truths of the pragmatic world on day 1.
firepile: They just give you one of these to take home from the hospital.
firepile: Drunk baby?
firepile: They just give you one of these to take home from the hospital.
firepile: I wear a bow tie now. Bow ties are cool
firepile: Octopus gang signs
firepile: Mathison
firepile: My baby: Cliche Tinyhands
firepile: At least one of us is getting some sleep
firepile: Baby's first visit to Crepevine
firepile: If you could go ahead and feed me, that'd be great
firepile: The case of the tiny baby and the awesome handmade blanket
firepile: Another thoughtful gift for TinyMan
firepile: Tiny bear and chompy baby
firepile: Tiny bear
firepile: Mathison and the handknit yellow bear
firepile: Also better on vine...
firepile: Mathison shows off his smileface
firepile: Men With Ears
firepile: Miracle blanket my ass
firepile: "So I'm always already wearing animal ears on my clothing, and that's an aspect of my facticity? Cool. Let's take naps."
firepile: Baby fez
firepile: Baby fez
firepile: SO MANY BOOKS
firepile: The ashtray, this paddle game and the remote control and the lamp and that's all I need. I don't need one other thing. I need this.
firepile: Brief moment of joy in the sweatshirt Lynn got him
firepile: Can I eat that?!
firepile: Don't make me go to the Empathy Tent, daddy!
firepile: Sunhat