firepile: Newtonmas 2017
firepile: Newtonmas Tree 2017
firepile: Very first Star Wars watching
firepile: r2d2 is fixed
firepile: hes gonna be awesome
firepile: death star
firepile: Halloween test-run
firepile: Halloween test-run
firepile: Throwing Muses prints from Dave Narcizo
firepile: Chocolate face at Dairyhaus
firepile: Pictures of pictures
firepile: Making apples say "cheese!"
firepile: It runs in the family
firepile: "I made the little big man say 'cheese!'"
firepile: Newtonmas tree
firepile: Photographing apples on the Newtonmas Tree
firepile: Newtonmas
firepile: Cheese!
firepile: Einstein shakes his fist in rage
firepile: Apples!
firepile: Einstein on the Newtonmas Tree
firepile: Newtonmas tree 2016
firepile: Beyond Puerperium
firepile: Beyond Puerperium
firepile: Beyond Puerperium
firepile: Beyond Puerperium
firepile: Admiring his stash
firepile: Halloween, age 2
firepile: Sharing his loot
firepile: Happy about candy