firepile: Through the Greenhouse Window
firepile: That was a cry, not a hiss.
firepile: He can't undestand why I'm taking pictures instead of letting him inside
firepile: Kitty wants in. And my basil died
firepile: He's watching me
firepile: Someone convince Joshua to let him in!
firepile: Birds? I could chase some birds..
firepile: A study in cuteness
firepile: I am the saddest kitty in the universe. Let me in.
firepile: Look how stately I am.
firepile: I'll pretend you aren't taking pictures. You must just be ready to let me inside.
firepile: I'm still cute.
firepile: "I'm getting annoyed.."
firepile: PK has an adorable chin
firepile: Stalking Robin or chasing birds... Tough call.
firepile: Through the Front Window