firepile: Newtonmas Ornament
firepile: Newtonmas Tree
firepile: Newtonmas Ornament
firepile: Ornament Motherlode
firepile: Hail Eris!
firepile: Golden Apples
firepile: Newtonmas Apple
firepile: Apple Ornaments
firepile: Newtonmas Tree
firepile: Newtonmas Tree
firepile: Newtonmas Tree
firepile: Newtonmas Tree
firepile: Blurry Tree
firepile: Newtonmas Tree
firepile: This one needs some explaining
firepile: Be worried.
firepile: Cat prints in the glitter
firepile: Einstein action figure
firepile: Einstein
firepile: Einstein action figure
firepile: Crafty!
firepile: Merry newtonmas!
firepile: Einstein on his way to being a tree topper
firepile: Raising his hand in anger
firepile: Finished tree topper!
firepile: Merry newtonmas dammit!
firepile: See? It's a Homemade Tree Topper
firepile: Einstein Tree Topper for Newtonmas
firepile: Einstein Tree Topper
firepile: Merry Newtonmas