Lily!: Ahhh, the office
Lily!: Klaus
Lily!: Febe & Rachelle
Lily!: Nelia...
Lily!: Marco
Lily!: Hellloooooooo
Lily!: Glamorous/fabulous Gary
Lily!: Jamie
Lily!: Daniel...being...coy?
Lily!: Eyes
Lily!: Accounting dudes
Lily!: Joe-Pa, refusing to look at the camera
Lily!: Cynthia & Bahnye West
Lily!: "McGiardia"
Lily!: It's snaining!
Lily!: Ad for some commercial
Lily!: Apparently it was gross
Lily!: The wall of my office
Lily!: Bebe Sammy
Lily!: DeMichele
Lily!: Gluten free brownies
Lily!: Sammy
Lily!: Sammy
Lily!: Mary, my office mate
Lily!: Staring out the window
Lily!: what?
Lily!: Ahn-hay-lah, me boss
Lily!: Shahaf waves from the middle finger wing
Lily!: The whiteboard in the kitchen