Lily!: Word
Lily!: View from Insignia's 41st fancy pants floor
Lily!: What up, mountain?
Lily!: Rapture
Lily!: Signs in Phoenix on St Patrick's day
Lily!: Large and in charge in Sedona
Lily!: Harro. We're back!
Lily!: Cartel Coffee in Phoenix, Customs Coffee in Palm Springs
Lily!: YAY CANDLES #esmithmercantile
Lily!: Toddler dinner. Minus the wine.
Lily!: Yum
Lily!: #nationalpopcornday
Lily!: Percy's...good times!
Lily!: I wore my rainbow brite tights to work
Lily!: Friend's fancy phone
Lily!: No idea where Loki is looking
Lily!: Ah yes. More Anaba wines
Lily!: Hello pioneer square
Lily!: Sci-fi, Seattle style
Lily!: Bottled vieux carre for 2. Geraldine's in Austin.
Lily!: Cheeky Texans
Lily!: Last nite of gluttony in Austin
Lily!: Cheryl did it too!
Lily!: Don't ask. I don't know.
Lily!: Flat faced doggie sleepover time
Lily!: Annnnd they're back
Lily!: Thanks to peapodster_again! for the awesomeness from #esmithmercantile
Lily!: You get your sweet ass I did. Thank you, B3 Austin!
Lily!: Together again
Lily!: Reunion of Redfin folks in Austin. Also, Corey's birthday.