phillip c reed: Royal Court
phillip c reed: Red Dragon
phillip c reed: Baronial Court
Treflyn: Dahlia
Monceau: Yellow Dahlia, red edges, narrow petals
phillip c reed: Barony of Flaming Gryphon 12th Night 2023
phillip c reed: Coronation of Ullr and AnneLyse
phillip c reed: Coronation of Ullr and AnneLyse
phillip c reed: 2021 Harvest Days
phillip c reed: 750_8571
phillip c reed: 750_8393
phillip c reed: 750_8364
phillip c reed: 750_8249
phillip c reed: 750_8000
phillip c reed: 750_7919
phillip c reed: 750_7977
Martin Dollenkamp: Pileated Woodpecker
phillip c reed: 750_6597
phillip c reed: 750_7217
phillip c reed: 750_7245
phillip c reed: 750_6608
phillip c reed: 750_6596
Lord V: Hoverfly Xanthogramma pedissequum
Patcave: PS_09573-Edit-3
dbvictoria36: nwc tardis 2012