VMAJONES: Cat from the Wrong Side of the Tracks
VMAJONES: Artemis and Hobbes
VMAJONES: Moose Light
VMAJONES: Remy in Paris
VMAJONES: Scary Monkey!
VMAJONES: 181707_496991167226_5807777_n
VMAJONES: Attempt at UP! art :)
VMAJONES: Crystal's guns!
VMAJONES: Why, it's a "Chip and Dip!"
VMAJONES: Bored at Five Guys?
VMAJONES: Gir was here!
VMAJONES: Pastel Wall-e scene
VMAJONES: Harvey Two-face, in progress!
VMAJONES: Aaron Brothers--Weekly Progress Board
VMAJONES: Chesty "puzzle" I made for TY
VMAJONES: Baby-girl "Gaz"
VMAJONES: Ruby's--Huntington Beach, CA
VMAJONES: Close up of Rove and Bush
VMAJONES: Student Guidebook Layout
VMAJONES: Campaign Cash
VMAJONES: Haunted Mansion Progress
VMAJONES: Haunted Mansion for Sara
VMAJONES: Nate and Danny!
VMAJONES: Another Ruby's painting, different angle :)
VMAJONES: Puertorican crest for Mom
VMAJONES: Zim and Gir Moving Announcement
VMAJONES: Rove Article
VMAJONES: Crystal's Set