Yellabelly*: Push Bike
Alan Frost ARPS: Lone sheep
biblioklept: tumblr_lfeha28HxI1qdx1cuo1_r1_1280
Grahambones: He's Balancing A Diamond On A Blade Of Grass
Col-Page: Flying Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
►CubaGallery: new zealand
kobayashisachiko: On a Jeepney
kobayashisachiko: Taal Volcano
kobayashisachiko: In front of the biggest mall in Asia
kobayashisachiko: Mango juice and polished spaghetti
R4vi: Do not be on fire
junku: _MG_2645
volyunina: DSCF2537
the apostrophe: nakwamoru
Tom Rintjema: 2011-684
gwgwijnands: Dog defying spatial possibilities
Stevacek: Diver at Krka National Park, Croatia
AJ Brustein: The March of Mankind
Clonedbird 克隆鳥 & Iris 艾莉絲: 月全蝕 Lunar Eclipse in Taiwan
Mark BRMB: Sick Robin in Portrane
Danz in Tokyo: K9-Cool
tanakawho: Glorious morning glory bud