Mark Finnern: Finally hired a pro to help me with the treehouse. We worked on it the whole. Really got things done :-)
Mark Finnern: Morning run in the rain at dawn highly recommended. Seek out the potholes :-)
Mark Finnern: Mark Finnern Touched by Art Amsterdam 2013
Mark Finnern: During Beer Brewing Event at #touristenverein I did a make shift Kombucha brewing demonstration :-)
Mark Finnern: Welcomed visitor during my morning tea :-)
Mark Finnern: Neurohacking @noisebridge cool
Mark Finnern: Tree house far from finished, but gets some good use already :-)
Mark Finnern: Oh Joy. Finally some time to work on the tree house :-)
Mark Finnern: Du du liegst mir am Herzen @ Muir Woods Summer Fest :-)
Mark Finnern: Oh the daily indoctrination at my daughter's school ...
Mark Finnern: This contraption will play a role on my talk today :-)
Mark Finnern: Look the little drummer girl ;-) lots of fun bringing the band back together for the 4th of July San Mateo Highlands' parade
Mark Finnern: Yummy :-)
Mark Finnern: Haven't baked a sourdough bread in ages. Looks yummy :-)
Mark Finnern: Was @noisebridge sewing shut a hole in !Nina's jeans. it's a do-ocracy a bit like @sapmentors :-)
Mark Finnern: That trail even has water :-)
Mark Finnern: Amazing bike trail II
Mark Finnern: Wow what a bike trail
Mark Finnern: So Mark, when did you first dream about coming to America? ;-)
Mark Finnern: Ah, Abendbrot ;-)
Mark Finnern: Discovery of the night: Live at leads is alive :-) 22d @ Mission
Mark Finnern: Join @sapmentors #dkom San Jose show floor. #suithugger pic from @as611
Mark Finnern: Tennassy Vally only 30 min bike ride away. Blessed. Thanks @moyalynne for taking Nina and me there last weekend :-)
Mark Finnern: Wow @sapmentors what a sweet surprise. Chocolate with our Mango Ice cream. Yummy :-). Really warmed my heart. Thank you all. You are the best.
Mark Finnern: Happy Valentines everyone :-)
Mark Finnern: This is so going up on Facebook Personal Cloud Makers #pcloud
Mark Finnern: #pccloud we need control over terms, apps and data!
Mark Finnern: There is a man on the moon ... Check it out now over the San Francisco Bay to the East. Pic taken from telescope just now.
Mark Finnern: Christmas Card From My Sister the Artist of the Family.
Mark Finnern: Birds flying south II