dr.tspencer: "SLOW BIRD X-ING"
daversa: IMG_2310
stablemolloy: Winter Picnic
thejwings: Clark's Grebe
daversa: IMG_0132-Edit
Michael Tracy: Treman State Park. Fish Kill Falls
stablemolloy: Give it a chance
Michael Tracy: Lover's Key
luka567: Another winter sunset
stablemolloy: New Hope Mills Mill
daversa: IMG_9451
daversa: IMG_9490-Edit
+David+: Closer At Clarendon
luka567: Beware of the cat
thejwings: Snowy Owl
stablemolloy: Gun Slingers
rumimume: Waiting for the Season
ElegantRuinImagery: Grandma's Camp
FotoGrazio: Juvenile Hutton's Vireo
thejwings: American White Pelican
thejwings: Harlequin Duck, female
dr.tspencer: Morning Mist Farm - Barn
Majorimi: Panorama of the Matra
stablemolloy: Gateway to Work
morganjellen: Gilboa, NY
stablemolloy: Harriet Quilt
Kerryjwagner: Fade to Red
stablemolloy: Moses of her People
stablemolloy: Fall Reflection