willowing: For my main lesson on #everafter2016 we will be creating this EMPOWERED little mermaid. :) one who doesn't need a prince and dwells in divine sisterhood with Ursula the octopus as her friend. BOOYA! :) want to join us? You still can! -> http://bit.ly/EA20
The Hike Guy: Sierra on the Brain
willowing: As per popular request a class for book worm girl WILL be available! :D prob some time in the next two weeks! Yay!!! #willowing #willowingarts #bookworm #whimsy #whimsicalart #cutegirl
willowing: Some art journalling this evening. :) WIP. #artjournal #artjournalling #mixedmedia #willowingarts #willowing
Ms Schnaderle: meerjungfrau
willowing: Bit more work on her face. Better go to sleep now :) x
decor8: Love Warriors of Sweden
Ms Schnaderle: My Dogs
decor8: My sitting room
willowing: New page :)