Fine Ting: Our first Christmas decoration December 2012
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Per
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Me
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Bergur
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Some of the Places we've visited
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Family
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Scrapbooking
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Per is playing
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Per is playing
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Daily life (left) and custom made Leather Books
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Art
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Apartment
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Kitchen - before
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: My mother, father, sisters and grandmother
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: My family - sisters and parents
Fine Ting: PL12 Presentation: Bergur's family
Fine Ting: PL12 w33-39
Fine Ting: PL12 w35
Fine Ting: PL12 w40-1
Fine Ting: PL12 w40-2
Fine Ting: PL12 w41
Fine Ting: PL12 w42-1 Fall break
Fine Ting: PL12 w42-2
Fine Ting: PL12 w43-45
Fine Ting: PL12 w43
Fine Ting: PL12 w44
Fine Ting: PL12 w45a
Fine Ting: PL12 w45b
Fine Ting: PL12 w46-47
Fine Ting: PL12 w48-50-a