findandseekcreative: Hospital wing
findandseekcreative: Here to help
findandseekcreative: Views that can cure
findandseekcreative: Abandoned bowling
findandseekcreative: Blue ball love
findandseekcreative: Keeping score
findandseekcreative: Stay in your lane
findandseekcreative: Picking teams
findandseekcreative: Through the open door
findandseekcreative: Exam room 3C
findandseekcreative: No comfort here
findandseekcreative: The orange church
findandseekcreative: Looking down the pews
findandseekcreative: One baptism
findandseekcreative: Blocking the exit
findandseekcreative: Dirty laundry
findandseekcreative: In the hospital ward
findandseekcreative: Missing documents
findandseekcreative: Tub therapy
findandseekcreative: In the children's ward
findandseekcreative: Seatbelts for safety
findandseekcreative: Setting the tone
findandseekcreative: Natural window treatments
findandseekcreative: South wing of the hospital
findandseekcreative: A self-thriving community
findandseekcreative: Forgotten in the gloom
findandseekcreative: Asbestos cottage
findandseekcreative: Street lined with broken memories
findandseekcreative: Opening doors
findandseekcreative: Decaying stage