*Kicki*: Halt!
*Kicki*: Auschwitz II Birkenau
Manjinder Kaur Papial: Fighting against the Blizzard
Eifeltopia: Heavenly Roads
Marie Granelli: The old man´s Kingdom
J. Pelz: Winter Scene
Note-ables by Lynn: Until the Cows Come Home #7DWF (Landscape Theme)
*Kicki*: In Hell
magdalenasandberg: IMG_20180121_205338_358
FreakyLeo: "Ja se det snöar. Ja se det snöar..."
FreakyLeo: Pretty but cold
kevpereira_: First Class Fitment 2015
HelloMrFast: Golden Crops
HelloMrFast: Olympus 45/1.8
HelloMrFast: NX1 4k Framegrab