The Dahl: Title
The Dahl: Leaf
The Dahl: reversed 1.8
The Dahl: Fieldfare with apple
The Dahl: Blackbird
The Dahl: Dslr
The Dahl: purple flowers
The Dahl: smoke on the water
The Dahl: Studenternelliker
The Dahl: one, two
The Dahl: testing reverse mount
The Dahl: Ahorn
The Dahl: purple flower 1
The Dahl: Big and small
The Dahl: Bleeding Hearts
The Dahl: Couple
The Dahl: Allium aflatunense (flowering onion)
The Dahl: purple flower 250mm
The Dahl: dry bungs
The Dahl: green lake ducks
The Dahl: Night time flower
The Dahl: Wooden
The Dahl: complementary
The Dahl: Boat