-gregg-: back to the ball park
-gregg-: mountain bridge
hackNY: Fall 2011 Student Hackathon Coding
hackNY: hackNY Spring 2011 Student Hackathon
Dirk Duckhorn: buddycloud hackathon
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimedia Hackathon 2013
hackNY: Fall 2010 hackNY Student Hackathon
Desarrollando América Latina: Hackathon en Santiago de Chile
hackNY: Spring 2012 Student Hackathon Coding
hackNY: Fall 2011 Student Hackathon Coding
hackNY: hackNY spring 2013 student hackathon
hackNY: Fall 2010 hackNY Student Hackathon
hackNY: Hackathon
hackNY: Fall 2011 Student Hackathon Coding
hackNY: Spring 2012 Student Hackathon Coding
hackNY: Fall 2011 Student Hackathon Coding
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimedia Hackathon 2013, Amsterdam
Tim Sheerman-Chase: Nazli Faraji Davar explains Domain Adaptation in the Context of Sport Video Action Recognition
Tim Sheerman-Chase: Stemmer Imaging 3D Laser Profiling
Mabry Campbell: Buffalo Overpasses
Mabry Campbell: To The Geodesic Dome At Triangeln
Mabry Campbell: Veritgo In Blue SC
crabsandbeer (Kevin Moore): Little Girl in the Garden
crabsandbeer (Kevin Moore): Formstone...the polyester of brick. Baltimore