Ruth Garcia-Alcantud @ #yarnpadc Oct 2: Water. Always in pint-sized glass. And a crochet coaster.
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Andria24: Reflections.
Ruth Garcia-Alcantud @ @kateheppell want my stash to breed eyelash yarn. Lucky she sent silk along with this...
hizknits: Wait, why can't we go to the farmers' market? It's #frenchbulldogpride
RoxanneZYG: Stitches Midwest
RoxanneZYG: Shannon, Michelle & Me
Knitterotica: Morning with Tip. #olloclip #fisheye #instagram #nofilter #marblecam
RoxanneZYG: Knitters Fair 2011 - Anne Hanson & Me
sifis: Summer in Greece is....
teenytinyturkey: Knit Night Cupcakes - Yarn Balls
decolady: candied kumquats
Shutterfool: Peanut Butter Blossums
Shutterfool: My Shelves
nicholasjon: Jars
RoxanneZYG: Monarca Shawl
PuNk rAwK pUrL: 79/365- what i woke up to
RoxanneZYG: Merino Silk