Forsaken Fotos: Product of the loom mill
Madonna Martin Photography: broken antique basket
FurugiStar: Antique Hand Loomed Hemp
FurugiStar: Antique Hand Loomed Hemp
TB Cave: PB41
TB Cave: PB36
tteerriitt (Terri Turner): small fabric Native Bush Juice print (a
pixelmasseuse: weaving
jude hill: 32 glennis
jude hill: 51 gaile
jude hill: 126 127 carmel
jude hill: 143 melanie
jude hill: 141 peggy
jude hill: something like this
jude hill: 201 nancy
jude hill: 627 robin
jude hill: mama loom
jude hill: circle of feathers
jude hill: 39-46 Gisele
jude hill: softly defining
jude hill: three moments
jude hill: to carry and be carried
jude hill: ragged but not done yet
jude hill: the cat in the moon
jude hill: cat in the window
jude hill: two strays
jude hill: the wall in October
jude hill: not just patches
jude hill: dancing in sympathy with october